Tag Archives: SSTV

SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station – April 2015 edition

The ARISS team planed to activate SSTV from the ISS again on April 11.  Check the ISS tag for my other ISS SSTV posts.

Station setup: MP Antennas Classic Mobile NMO Antenna – This is a local company in Cleveland and were reviewed in QST. Been using their antennas for a long time with great success. Since the antenna is multi-polarized (the MP in the company name), it is supposed to be a good substitution for receiving satellite transmissions without a directional antenna and not worrying about Doppler Shift (which needs to be accounted for in some cases). The height is about 15 feet.

The antenna was connected to my ICOM IC-7000 with DSP settings turned off on 145.800 MHz FM. Used this radio only because my SignaLink USB is connected to it and the one I use for digital operation on all bands. MMSSTV is the Slow-Scan TV program I use.

I have tutorials available to help get your station setup and getting started with MMSSTV to receive images from the ISS.

Many of the passes weren’t great or even over the U.S.  I received 7 images total from my location near Cleveland (EN91bl).

2015-04-11 2334 UTC
2015-04-12 0114 UTC
2015-04-12 0247 UTC
2015-04-12 0253 UTC
2015-04-12 0428 UTC
2015-04-12 0601 UTC
2015-04-12 2105 UTC


SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station – February 2015 edition 2

The ARISS team planed to activate SSTV from the ISS again, February 21 through February 23.  However, spacewalks delayed transmissions until February 22 and February 23, 2015.  Check the ISS tag for my other ISS SSTV posts.

Station setup: MP Antennas Classic Mobile NMO Antenna – This is a local company in Cleveland and were reviewed in QST. Been using their antennas for a long time with great success. Since the antenna is multi-polarized (the MP in the company name), it is supposed to be a good substitution for receiving satellite transmissions without a directional antenna and not worrying about Doppler Shift (which needs to be accounted for in some cases). The height is about 15 feet.

The antenna was connected to my ICOM IC-7000 with DSP settings turned off on 145.800 MHz FM. Used this radio only because my SignaLink USB is connected to it and the one I use for digital operation on all bands. MMSSTV is the Slow-Scan TV program I use.

I have tutorials available to help get your station setup and getting started with MMSSTV to receive images from the ISS.

I received 15 images total from my location near Cleveland (EN91bl).

2015-02-22 1719 UTC
2015-02-22 1853 UTC
2015-02-22 1858 UTC
2015-02-22 2032 UTC
2015-02-22 2210 UTC
2015-02-23 1626 UTC
2015-02-23 1805 UTC
2015-02-23 1941 UTC
2015-02-23 2116 UTC
2015-02-23 2257 UTC
2015-02-24 0031 UTC
2015-02-24 1534 UTC
2015-02-24 1707 UTC
2015-02-24 1848 UTC
2015-02-24 2025 UTC

SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station – February 2015 edition 1

Had great success last time the ISS sent SSTV images in December and saw the ARISS team planed to activate SSTV from the ISS again, January 31 and February 1, 2015.  Check the link of my previous post for details on my setup and ISS tag for my other ISS SSTV posts.

Station setup: MP Antennas Classic Mobile NMO Antenna – This is a local company in Cleveland and were reviewed in QST. Been using their antennas for a long time with great success. Since the antenna is multi-polarized (the MP in the company name), it is supposed to be a good substitution for receiving satellite transmissions without a directional antenna and not worrying about Doppler Shift (which needs to be accounted for in some cases). The height is about 15 feet.

The antenna was connected to my ICOM IC-7000 with DSP settings turned off on 145.800 MHz FM. Used this radio only because my SignaLink USB is connected to it and the one I use for digital operation on all bands. MMSSTV is the Slow-Scan TV program I use.

I have tutorials available to help get your station setup and getting started with MMSSTV to receive images from the ISS.

I received 13 images total from my location near Cleveland (EN91bl).  Not sure why there was a sync issue on the second day (noted by the green line on the left in some of the images).

2015-02-01 0124 UTC
2015-02-01 0258 UTC
2015-02-01 0436 UTC
2015-02-01 0615 UTC
2015-02-01 0754 UTC
2015-02-01 0927 UTC
2015-02-02 0032 UTC
2015-02-02 0205 UTC
2015-02-02 0211 UTC
2015-02-02 0344 UTC
2015-02-02 0525 UTC
2015-02-02 0658 UTC
2015-02-02 0838 UTC


SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station – December 2014 edition

I saw a news story on the ARRL website that talked about the Russian International Space Station cosmonauts plan to send Slow Scan TV images around the holidays.  December 18 and December 20, 2014.  Those are two of my interests, SSTV (or digital modes in general) and spaceflight.  From the news story:

The Russian Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team members plan to activate slow-scan television (SSTV) from the ISS on December 18 and December 20. The expected SSTV mode will be PD180 on a frequency of 145.800 MHz with 3-minute off periods between transmissions.

I setup my station to monitor 145.800 MHz on both days to see if I could receive any images, I did!

Station setup: MP Antennas Classic Mobile NMO Antenna – This is a local company in Cleveland and were reviewed in QST.  Been using their antennas for a long time with great success.  Since the antenna is multi-polarized (the MP in the company name), it is supposed to be a good substitution for receiving satellite transmissions without a directional antenna and not worrying about Doppler Shift (which needs to be accounted for in some cases).  The height is about 15 feet.

The antenna was connected to my ICOM IC-7000 with DSP settings turned off on 145.800 MHz FM.  Used this radio only because my SignaLink USB is connected to it and the one I use for digital operation on all bands.  MMSSTV is the Slow-Scan TV program I use.

I have tutorials available to help get your station setup and getting started with MMSSTV to receive images from the ISS.

I received 6 images total including 2 partial images from my location near Cleveland (EN91bl) as the ISS was flying overhead.

SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-18 1901
2014-12-18 1901 UTC
SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-18 2037
2014-12-18 2037 UTC
SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-18 2214
2014-12-18 2214 UTC
SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-20 1719
2014-12-20 1719 UTC
SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-20 1854
2014-12-20 1854 UTC
SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station 2014-12-20 2029
2014-12-20 2029 UTC